Source code for ripozo.decorators

Contains the critical decorators for ripozo.
from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function
from __future__ import unicode_literals

from functools import wraps, update_wrapper
import logging
import warnings

import six

_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

class ClassPropertyDescriptor(object):
    Straight up stolen from stack overflow
    Implements class level properties

    def __init__(self, fget, fset=None):
        self.fget = fget
        self.fset = fset

    def __get__(self, obj, klass=None):
        if klass is None:
            klass = type(obj)
        return self.fget.__get__(obj, klass)()

def classproperty(func):
    Using this decorator a class can have a property.
    Necessary for dynamically settings urls
    on the application.  Works exactly the same
    as a normal property except the class can be the
    argument instead of self.

    .. code-block:: python

        class MyClass(object):
            def my_prop(cls):
                return cls.__name__

        >>> MyClass.my_prop

    :param func: The function to wrap
    :type func: function
    :rtype: ClassPropertyDescriptor
    if not isinstance(func, (classmethod, staticmethod)):
        func = classmethod(func)
    return ClassPropertyDescriptor(func)

class _apiclassmethod(object):
    A special version of classmethod that allows
    the user to decorate classmethods and vice versa.
    There is some hacky shit going on in here.  However,
    it allows an arbitrary number of @apimethod decorators
    and @translate decorators which is key.
    __name__ = str('_apiclassmethod')

    def __init__(self, func):
        Initializes the class method.

        :param types.FunctionType func: The function to decorate.
        update_wrapper(self, func)
        for key, value in six.iteritems(getattr(func, 'func_dict', {})):
            self.__dict__[key] = value

        self.func = func
        if hasattr(func, 'func_name'):
            self.func_name = func.func_name

    def __get__(self, obj, klass=None):
        A getter that automatically injects the
        class as the first argument.
        if klass is None:
            klass = type(obj)

        def newfunc(*args):
            Figures out if an instance was called
            and if so it injects the class instead
            of the instance.
            if len(args) == 0 or not isinstance(args[0], type):
                return self.func(klass, *args)
            return self.func(*args)
        return newfunc

    def __call__(self, cls, *args, **kwargs):
        This is where the magic happens.
        return self.__get__(None, klass=cls)(*args, **kwargs)

[docs]class apimethod(object): """ Decorator for declaring routes on a ripozo resource. Any method in a ResourceBase subclass that is decorated with this decorator will be exposed as an endpoint in the greater application. Although an apimethod can be decorated with another apimethod, this is not recommended. Any method decorated with apimethod should return a ResourceBase instance (or a subclass of it). """
[docs] def __init__(self, route='', endpoint=None, methods=None, no_pks=False, **options): """ Initialize the decorator. These are the options for the endpoint that you are constructing. It determines what url's will be handled by the decorated method. .. code-block:: python class MyResource(ResourceBase): @apimethod(route='/myroute', methods=['POST', 'PUT'] def my_method(cls, request): # ... Do something to handle the request and generate # the MyResource instance. :param str|unicode route: The route for endpoint. This will be appended to the base_url for the ResourceBase subclass when constructing the actual route. :param str|unicode endpoint: The name of the endpoint. Defaults to the function name. :param list[str|unicode] methods: A list of the accepted http methods for this endpoint. Defaults to ['GET'] :param bool no_pks: If this flag is set to True the ResourceBase subclass's base_url_sans_pks property will be used instead of the base_url. This is necessary for List endpoints where the pks are not part of the url. :param dict options: Additionaly arguments to pass to the dispatcher that is registering the route with the application. This is dependent on the individual dispatcher and web framework that you are using. """'Initializing apimethod route: %s with options %s', route, options) self.route = route if not methods: methods = ['GET'] self.options = options self.options['methods'] = methods self.options['no_pks'] = no_pks self.endpoint = endpoint
[docs] def __call__(self, func): """ The actual decorator that will be called and returns the method that is a ripozo route. In addition to setting some properties on the function itself (i.e. ``__rest_route__`` and ``routes``), It also wraps the actual function calling both the preprocessors and postprocessors. preprocessors get at least the cls, name of the function, request as arguments postprocessors get the cls, function name, request and resource as arguments :param classmethod f: :return: The wrapped classmethod that is an action that can be performed on the resource. For example, any sort of CRUD action. :rtype: classmethod """ setattr(func, '__rest_route__', True) routes = getattr(func, 'routes', []) routes.append((self.route, self.endpoint, self.options)) setattr(func, 'routes', routes) @_apiclassmethod @wraps(func) def wrapped(cls, request, *args, **kwargs): """ Runs the preo/postprocessors """ for proc in cls.preprocessors: proc(cls, func.__name__, request, *args, **kwargs) resource = func(cls, request, *args, **kwargs) for proc in cls.postprocessors: proc(cls, func.__name__, request, resource, *args, **kwargs) return resource return wrapped
[docs]class translate(object): """ Decorator for validating the inputs to an apimethod and describing what is allowed for that apimethod to an adapter if necessary. Example usage: .. testcode:: translateexample from ripozo import translate, fields, apimethod, ResourceBase, RequestContainer class MyResource(ResourceBase): @apimethod(methods=['GET']) @translate(fields=[fields.IntegerField('id', required=True)], validate=True) def hello(cls, request): id_ = request.query_args['id'] print(id_) .. doctest:: translateexample >>> req = RequestContainer(query_args=dict(id=3)) >>> res = MyResource.hello(req) 3 >>> req = RequestContainer() >>> res = MyResource.hello(req) Traceback (most recent call last): ... ValidationException: The field "id" is required and cannot be None >>> req = RequestContainer(query_args=dict(id='not an integer')) >>> res = MyResource.hello(req) Traceback (most recent call last): ... TranslationException: Not a valid integer type: not an integer """
[docs] def __init__(self, fields=None, skip_required=False, validate=False, manager_field_validators=False): """ Initializes the decorator with the necessary fields. the fields should be instances of FieldBase and should give descriptions of the parameter and how to input them (i.e. query or body parameter). To perform validation of the fields as well, set ``validate=True`` :param list fields: A list of ``FieldBase`` instances (or subclasses of FieldBase). :param bool skip_required: If this flag is set to True, then required fields will be considered optional. This is useful for an update when using the manager_field_validators as this allows the user to skip over required fields like the primary keys which should not be required in the updated arguments. :param bool validate: Indicates whether the validations should be run. If it is ``False``, it will only translate the fields and no validation will occur. :param bool manager_field_validators: (Deprecated: will be removed in v2) A flag indicating that the fields from the Resource's manager should be used. """ self.original_fields = fields or [] self.skip_required = skip_required self.validate = validate self.manager_field_validators = manager_field_validators if manager_field_validators: warnings.warn('The manager_field_validators attribute will be' ' removed in version 2.0.0. Please use the ' '"ripozo.decorators.manager_translate decorator"', DeprecationWarning) self.cls = None
[docs] def __call__(self, func): """ Wraps the function with translation and validation. This allows the inputs to be cast and validated as necessary. Additionally, it provides the adapter with information about what is necessary to successfully make a request to the wrapped apimethod. :param method func: The function to decorate :return: The wrapped function :rtype: function """ @_apiclassmethod @wraps(func) def action(cls, request, *args, **kwargs): """ Gets and translates/validates the fields. """ # TODO This is so terrible. I really need to fix this. from ripozo.resources.fields.base import translate_fields translate_fields(request, self.fields(cls.manager), skip_required=self.skip_required, validate=self.validate) return func(cls, request, *args, **kwargs) action.__manager_field_validators__ = self.manager_field_validators action.fields = self.fields return action
[docs] def fields(self, manager): """ Gets the fields from the manager if necessary. """ if self.manager_field_validators: return self.original_fields + manager.field_validators return self.original_fields
[docs]class manager_translate(object): """ A special case translation and validation for using managers. Performs the same actions as ripozo.decorators.translate but it inspects the manager to get the resources necessary. Additionally, you can tell it what fields to get from the manager via the fields_attr. This will look up the fields on the manager to return. """
[docs] def __init__(self, fields=None, skip_required=False, validate=False, fields_attr='fields'): """A special case translation that inspects the manager to get the relevant fields. This is purely for ease of use and may not be maintained :param list[ripozo.resources.fields.base.BaseField] fields: A list of fields to translate :param bool skip_required: If true, it will not require any of the fields. Only relevant when validate is True :param bool validate: A flag that indicates whether validation should occur. :param str|unicode fields_attr: The name of the attribute to access on the manager to get the fields that are necessary. e.g. `'create_fields'`, `'list_fields'` or whatever you want. The attribute should be a list of strings """ self.original_fields = fields or [] self.skip_required = skip_required self.validate = validate self.fields_attr = fields_attr self.cls = None
[docs] def __call__(self, func): """ Wraps the function with translation and validation. This allows the inputs to be cast and validated as necessary. Additionally, it provides the adapter with information about what is necessary to successfully make a request to the wrapped apimethod. :param method f: :return: The wrapped function :rtype: function """ @_apiclassmethod @wraps(func) def action(cls, request, *args, **kwargs): """ Gets and translates/validates the fields. """ # TODO This is so terrible. I really need to fix this. from ripozo.resources.fields.base import translate_fields translate_fields(request, self.fields(cls.manager), skip_required=self.skip_required, validate=self.validate) return func(cls, request, *args, **kwargs) action.__manager_field_validators__ = True action.fields = self.fields return action
[docs] def fields(self, manager): """ Gets the fields from the manager :param ripozo.manager_base.BaseManager manager: """ manager_fields = [] for field in manager.field_validators: if in getattr(manager, self.fields_attr): manager_fields.append(field) return self.original_fields + manager_fields