.. _preprocessors and postprocessors: Preprocessors and Postprocessors ================================ Sometimes, you want to run a certain piece of code before/after every request to a resource. For example, maybe the resource is only accessible to authenticated users. This can be done easily with preprocessors and postprocessors. The preprocessors and postprocessors lists are the functions that are called before and after the ``apimethod`` decorated function runs. They are run in the order in which they are described in the list. .. testcode:: processors, picky_processors from ripozo import ResourceBase, apimethod, RequestContainer def pre1(cls, function_name, request): print('In pre1') def pre2(cls, function_name, request): print('In pre2') def post1(cls, function_name, request, resource): print('In post1') class MyResource(ResourceBase): preprocessors = [pre1, pre2] postprocessors = [post1] @apimethod(methods=['GET']) def say_hello(cls, request): print('hello') return cls(properties=dict(hello='world')) .. doctest:: processors >>> res = MyResource.say_hello(RequestContainer()) In pre1 In pre2 hello In post1 These can be used to perform any sort of common functionality across all requests to this resource. Preprocessors always get the class as the first argument and the request as the second. Postprocessors get an additional resource argument as the third. The resource object is the return value of the apimethod. The picky_processor """"""""""""""""""" Sometimes you only want to run pre/postprocessors for specific methods. In those cases you can use the picky_processor. The picky_processor allows you to pick which methods you or don't want to run the pre/postprocessors .. testcode:: picky_processors from ripozo import picky_processor class PickyResource(ResourceBase): # only runs for the specified methods preprocessors = [picky_processor(pre1, include=['say_hello']), picky_processor(pre2, exclude=['say_hello'])] @apimethod(methods=['GET']) def say_hello(cls, request): print('hello') return cls(properties=dict(hello='world')) @apimethod(route='goodbye', methods=['GET']) def say_goodbye(cls, request): print('goodbye') return cls(properties=dict(goodbye='world')) The picky_processor allows you to pick which methods to run the preprocessor by looking at the name of the processor. If it's not in the exclude list or in the include list it will be run. Otherwise the preprocessor will be skipped for that method. .. doctest:: picky_processors >>> res = PickyResource.say_hello(RequestContainer()) In pre1 hello >>> res = PickyResource.say_goodbye(RequestContainer()) In pre2 goodbye Picky Processor ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. autofunction:: ripozo.utilities.picky_processor