
Managers are the persistence abstraction layer in ripozo. They are responsible for all session to session persistence in a ripozo based application. Typically, we can assume that the persistence layer is a database. However, the actual method of persistence is irrelevant to ripozo. There are ripozo extensions that are specifically for certain database types. At the most basic level, all ripozo ManagerBase subclasses must implement basic CRUD+L. That is they must implement a create, retrieve, update, delete an retrieve_list methods.

Managers in ripozo are not required and are more intended as a way to create a common interface for database interactions. Additionally, they are intended, to abstract away the database since individual database interactions should not be on the resource classes. The one caveat is that the restmixins will not work without a manager defined.

Creating a manager extensions

Manager extensions in ripozo can be somewhat tricky to implement correctly. Fortunately, it only needs to be done once (and hopefully shared in the community).

There is only one absolutely critical piece that needs to be implements for a manager to minimally work. The get_field_type method helps the translation and validation work. If not implemented, your manager will not work in any case. This method determines what the python type is for the specified field.

note get_field_type is a classmethod. That means you need to decorate it with the builtin @classmethod decorator.

classmethod BaseManager.get_field_type(name)[source]

Returns the BaseField instance (or subclass) instance that corresponds to the named attribute on the model. For example, if you the column “name” on the model for this manager is a String column, then this should return an instance of StringField with the appropriate requirements.

Parameters:name (unicode) – The name of the field on the model for which you are getting the field name
Returns:The BaseField class (or subclass) instance to handle the field specified by the name
Return type:ripozo.viewsets.fields.base.BaseField

Additionally, there are 5 basic CRUD+L operations. Not all of them need to be implemented (with some databases it may not make sense). However, the method should still be overridden and a NotImplementedError exception should be raised if it is called. Also, keep in mind that if any methods are not implemented then at least some of the restmixins will not be available.

BaseManager.create(values, *args, **kwargs)[source]

Create a model with the values according to the values dictionary

Parameters:values (dict) – A dictionary of values to create the model according to
Returns:The dictionary of arguments that should be returned by the serializer
Return type:dict
BaseManager.retrieve(lookup_keys, *args, **kwargs)[source]

Retrieve a single model and nothing more as a python dictionary

Parameters:lookup_keys (dict) – The lookup keys for the model and the associated values
Returns:The dictionary of arguments that should be returned by the serializer
Returns:A tuple with the first object being a dictionary of key value pairs according to the fields list and the second object is the meta data (such as the next url for a paginated list)
Return type:tuple
BaseManager.retrieve_list(filters, *args, **kwargs)[source]

Retrieves a list of dictionaries containing the fields for the associated model

Parameters:dictlookup_keys – The lookup keys for the model and the associated values
Returns:The dictionary of arguments that should be returned by the serializer
Returns:A a list of dictionaries of key value pairs according to the fields list
Return type:list
BaseManager.update(lookup_keys, updates, *args, **kwargs)[source]

Updates the model found with the lookup keys according to the updates dictionary where the keys are the fields to update and the values are the new values for the field

  • lookup_keys (dict) – The keys to find the object that is to be updated
  • updates (dict) – The fields to update and their associated new update values

A dictionary of the full updated model according to the fields class attribute

Return type:


BaseManager.delete(lookup_keys, *args, **kwargs)[source]

Deletes the model found with the lookup keys

Parameters:lookup_keys (dict) – The keys with which to find the model to delete
Return type:NoneType

Base Manager API

class ripozo.manager_base.BaseManager[source]

The BaseManager implements some common methods that are valuable across all databases as well as expose an interface that must be implemented by any specific implementation. This needs to be extended in order to implement a new database type. This should handle all direct interactions with a database or ORM. The extended classes are injected into viewsets in order to specify how to get the data from the database.

  • pagination_pk_query_arg (unicode) – The name of the query parameter that specifies the page or pk for the next set page to return when paginating over a list
  • pagination_count_query_arg (unicode) – The name of the query parameter that specifies the maximum number of results to return in a list retrieval
  • pagination_next (unicode) – The meta parameter to return that specifies the next query parameters
  • paginate_by (int) – The number of results to return by default. This gets overridden by pagination_count_query_arg
  • order_by (list) – A list of the fields to order the results by. This may be restricted in certain databases
  • _fields (list) – A list of the fields that are able to be manipulated or retrieved by the manager. These are the default fields if _create_fields, _list_fields, or _update_fields are not defined.
  • _create_fields (list) – The fields to use if a model is being created. Fields not in this list will not be applied
  • _list_fields (list) – The fields to use if a list of models are being retrieved. If not defined, cls.fields will be used instead.
  • _update_fields (list) – The fields to use if the model is being updated. Fields not in this list will not be used.
  • model (type) – The model that is being managed. This is the individual model that is set by the user. For any type of base class this should be None. However, it is required for actual implementations

list of weak references to the object (if defined)

create(values, *args, **kwargs)[source]

Create a model with the values according to the values dictionary

Parameters:values (dict) – A dictionary of values to create the model according to
Returns:The dictionary of arguments that should be returned by the serializer
Return type:dict
delete(lookup_keys, *args, **kwargs)[source]

Deletes the model found with the lookup keys

Parameters:lookup_keys (dict) – The keys with which to find the model to delete
Return type:NoneType

Converts a list of dot delimited fields (and related fields) and turns it into a dictionary for example, it would transform

>>> dot_field_list_to_dict(['id', 'value', '', 'related.related_value'])
    'id': None,
    'value': None,
    'related': {
        'id': None,
        'related_value': None
Parameters:fields (list) –
Returns:A dictionary of the fields layered as to indicate relationships.
Return type:dict
classmethod get_field_type(name)[source]

Returns the BaseField instance (or subclass) instance that corresponds to the named attribute on the model. For example, if you the column “name” on the model for this manager is a String column, then this should return an instance of StringField with the appropriate requirements.

Parameters:name (unicode) – The name of the field on the model for which you are getting the field name
Returns:The BaseField class (or subclass) instance to handle the field specified by the name
Return type:ripozo.viewsets.fields.base.BaseField

Get the pagination count from the args

Parameters:filters (dict) – All of the args
Returns:tuple of (pagination_count, updated_filters
Return type:tuple

Get the pagination pks from the args

Parameters:filters (dict) – All of the args
Returns:tuple of (pagination_pks, updated_filters
Return type:tuple
retrieve(lookup_keys, *args, **kwargs)[source]

Retrieve a single model and nothing more as a python dictionary

Parameters:lookup_keys (dict) – The lookup keys for the model and the associated values
Returns:The dictionary of arguments that should be returned by the serializer
Returns:A tuple with the first object being a dictionary of key value pairs according to the fields list and the second object is the meta data (such as the next url for a paginated list)
Return type:tuple
retrieve_list(filters, *args, **kwargs)[source]

Retrieves a list of dictionaries containing the fields for the associated model

Parameters:dictlookup_keys – The lookup keys for the model and the associated values
Returns:The dictionary of arguments that should be returned by the serializer
Returns:A a list of dictionaries of key value pairs according to the fields list
Return type:list
update(lookup_keys, updates, *args, **kwargs)[source]

Updates the model found with the lookup keys according to the updates dictionary where the keys are the fields to update and the values are the new values for the field

  • lookup_keys (dict) – The keys to find the object that is to be updated
  • updates (dict) – The fields to update and their associated new update values

A dictionary of the full updated model according to the fields class attribute

Return type:


static valid_fields(values, valid_fields)[source]

Returns a dictionary with only the fields specified from the valid_fields

  • values (dict) – The original set of fields
  • valid_fields (list|tuple) – The set of fields that are valid to use.

The valid values dict

Return type:
